Police Report Request
Officers of the UNH Police Department file many kinds of reports. If you are the subject of a report you are entitled to a copy of that report. We only accept report requests in writing; the UNH Police Department’s Request for Incident Report form is our preferred method to request a report. However, you may submit your request in letter form as long as it contains at least your name, date of birth, phone number, type of report (i.e. Arrest, Incident, or Accident), date of occurrence, and an address to send the documents.
Understand that the time it will take to process report requests will vary.
If you are a defendant in a case and you request an arrest report this information is considered discovery. You will only be provided with discovery once.
The UNH Police Department reserves the right to charge a fee for reports. Currently, we charge a fee of $10 for an accident report.
Event Permits
The University of New Hampshire requires permits for outdoor (on campus) events and events which involve a raffle or game of chance. The event permitting process is online for university associated groups and offices. Users must log into Catalyst to apply for permits.
The application for non-university groups may be acquired here.
- The primary event contact should be creating and submitting the permit
- The location of the event should already be arranged (this permit is NOT the way to request campus space).
- The information provided should be complete and accurate to the best of your ability.
- For most events, THREE BUSINESS DAYS are needed to process the permit; large events: TWO WEEKS.
- You are expected to monitor and respond to comments made on the event submission discussion wall (campus administrators may request a meeting or further information).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why don’t I see the ‘create event’ button? In order to create an event in your organization, you must have a position which grants you permission to do so. By default the Primary Contact is a full administrator and can create positions and grant access to event creation.
What if I don’t have a Catalyst Organization? All recognized student organizations are active in Wildcat Link. If you organization is a UNH Office or Department, an organization can be created for you, contact the Catalyst Manager, at UNH.catalyst@paulytheprayingpup.com
How do I know if I need a permit? UNH Policy requires a permit for events which are outdoors (on campus) and which involve a raffle or game of chance. Additionally, only events sponsored by a UNH-affiliated group are allowed.
Who can I talk to about my event or the permit process? You can visit the MUB Administrative Office (MUB 323)or email UNH.catalyst@paulytheprayingpup.com.
Who does my permit go to/ Who approves my permit? Depending on the event, the permit will be reviewed by the appropriate campus administrators, including; the Police, Memorial Union Building, Durham Fire Department, Facilities, Athletics, Dining, Housing, Transportation, Residential Life, Campus Recreation, etc. The final approval is granted by the UNH Police Department.
Hunting Permits
The natural and woodland properties of the University of New Hampshire are possessed for a multitude of uses; including hunting.
Hunting and trapping is allowed on specific properties after obtaining a permit through the UNH Police Department. Hunting is allowed at:
- Organic Dairy Research Farm (formerly Burley-Demeritt and Bartlett-Dudley farms) in Lee, NH [Jason Scruton, Manager (603) 659-2121]
- Kingman Farm in Madbury, NH [Steve Eisenhaure (603) 862-3951]
- Moore Fields and adjacent area in Durham, NH [Peter Davis, Manager (603) 862-1169]
- Thompson and Foss farms in Durham, NH [Steve Enisenhaure, Coordinator (603) 862-3951]
Target shooting and hunting is NOT allowed at the UNH Gravel Pit on Garrity Rd in Lee, NH; College Woods and the Woodman Farm in Durham, NH.
Permission is granted on an annual basis from the date of issuance and covers the named applicant only; and expires with the applicant’s hunting license. Additionally, the permit is not meant to replace any license or permit that is required by the NH Fish and Game Department. Anyone not conducting himself/herself in a courteous, safe, and legal manner will be asked to exit from the University land and no future permits will be granted.
Permits are acquired at the UNH Police station. Required documents at the time of application are a state issued identification card and a valid NH hunting license.