Whether you’re looking for an internship or a job after graduation, in-person career events and fairs are a great way to make progress in your search. These events allow you to connect with employers who want to hire UNH students!
Students from all class years and majors are encouraged to attend. Registration is not required, but registering on Handshake helps you stay up-to-date on important news and updates. Keep tabs on the employers attending the events by checking the employer registration list.
Whether it is your first career event or tenth, here are some tips and tricks for CaPS to help you feel confident speaking with employers!
Taking time to update your documents, prepare your talking points, and research companies before attending a career event can be key to feeling prepared and confident. Consider doing the following to be ready to go!
- Review your resume, make sure it is up-to-date with relevant jobs, internships, and course work
- Update your linked in and handshake profiles
- Print plenty of copies of your resume to share
Check out Handshake:
- Log in to Handshake -->Select "Events" -->Select "Career Fair" filter.
- Research industries and organizations that interest you and follow employers on Handshake.
- If you’re following an organization on Handshake and they register for one of the Career Fairs, you’ll be notified.
- Review which organizations are attending each Career Fair.
- Review the registration list and make notes on employers you are interested in speak with
- Job roles (marketing, training, analysts, etc.) can be found within many industries, so we strongly encourage students to research the industries and kinds of job roles you are interested in, follow employers with those kinds of roles, and approach any employers that resonate with your interests.
- Look into organizations outside of your initial radar; you never know what gems you’ll find
- Introduce yourself, your skills, and why you are an excellent fit for their organization.
- They will most likely ask you why you are interested in their organization specifically, so include these details in your pitch. Ask yourself, “What do I have to offer?”
- You don’t have to know “what you want to do” but be able to articulate your interests and educational experiences into where you’d like your career to go
Day of Career Event
- Dress professionally.
- Wear clothing that is reflective of your identity and aligns with the context of the job you’re seeking. This can put you in a better mindset and help you make a good first impression.
- Pack your career documents including copies of your resume and employer lists.
- Arrive early to visit the Student Prep Area with lint rollers, mirrors, mints.
- Check the event map and make a game plan for employer visits.
- Put your stuff away – keep a folder with resumes and a pen with you. Everything else can be left in the student prep area.
- Think of your opening line – nice to meet you, I am...
- Check in with a member of the CaPS team with any questions you have!
- Visit a few tables first to practice before going to your top companies.
- A Make eye contact and smile. If you are comfortable, shake the employers hand.
- When speaking with your target companies, ask for email, business card, and/or LinkedIn information to send a thank you and get in contact with the recruiter after.
- Treat every meeting like an interview, offer your resume before being asked for it, keep quick notes before moving on to the next table.
- You should also prepare two or three questions to ask each employer. These should be related to the company or positions you’re interested in. As part of your research before the event, make sure your questions are insightful and not easily answered by looking at their website. Here are some sample questions that might be good to ask:
- How did your degree help you prepare for the position you are in now?
- I read that your company just started a project doing _______. What opportunities would an intern/new team member have in this project?
- What do you like most about your job and working for _______?
- I am interested in following up with you about your job opening. Could you tell me the next steps in the process? And could you give me your email address so that I can follow up with you in a few days?
- Bring your phone to scan the check-in QR codes at employer tables to track who you meet with throughout the day. Don't forget to download the Handshake mobile app to streamline the check-in process!
- Write down additional notes to be sure to remember key details or follow-up instructions.
- Double check your employer lists to ensure you didn’t miss anyone!
- Check in with a member of the CaPS team to share your successes and big wins!
After the fair:
- Follow up with employers you have an interest in by sending a quick thank you email or LinkedIn message.
- Apply to jobs and internships posted on Handshake or their website. Let your contact know when you have submitted.
- Schedule a career advising appointment to determine any additional next steps in your search!
Feeling overwhelmed?
Attending career fairs aren’t necessary to receive job and internship opportunities, but they are a great resource for exploring potential opportunities with employers who directly want to hire UNH students
Consider doing the following to feel more at ease:
- Come later during the event or during popular class times. The event may be more calm with less crowds.
- Speak with a member of the CaPS team; if a professional staff member is around to make an introduction this may help break the ice
- Connect with alumni representatives. Keep an eye out for alumni pins and ribbons and connect with recruiters who may have a shared history at UNH!
- Take breaks – ask if there are quiet places you can take a moment between conversations to reset.
The Career and Professional Success (CaPS) team, joining with the Civil Rights & Equity Office, is committed to supporting and responding to concerns of discriminatory harassment, sexual violence and/or sexual harassment, bias, hate crimes, bullying or retaliation. If you as a student or alumni have experienced or think you may have experienced any form of such conduct, please report the incident to UNH’s Affirmative Action and Equity Office here and/or contact the Career and Professional Success team at caps@paulytheprayingpup.com, (603) 862-2070, or reach out directly to a trusted member of the CaPS team. Together, AA&EO and CaPS will work with you to address the matter and offer the support you may need.